All candidates undergo a thorough recruitment and onboarding process to ensure the safety and success of the volunteer, their assignment, and the local community in which they will be living and working.
During the recruitment stage, the volunteer will undergo an initial screening, background checks and two interviews including a panel interview with a subject matter expert. Upon successful completion of these, the candidate is then provided a provisional offer and will begin the Onboarding journey. The purpose of this stage is to help prepare the volunteer for their assignment and depending on the type of assignment, will include medical clearances, visa applications, flights and other administrative
matters. For those going in-country, volunteers are required to complete a 3-day Briefing course at the Wellington VSA office. E-volunteers, who volunteer remotely while remaining in New Zealand are not expected to attend the 3-day briefing but must complete some online and in-person modules prior to starting the assignment.
Once onboarding has been completed, the volunteer will begin their assignment. At the completion of the assignment, the volunteer will go through a ‘Wrap up’ stage including an assignment debrief and post-assignment medical checks.
Note: It is important for volunteers to not make any significant decisions (ie selling a house, resigning from work etc) until advised by VSA. On rare occasions, there may be delays with immigration and visa processing or in receiving medical clearance. Both VSA, and the volunteer, reserves the right to cancel an assignment at any stage, including during the onboarding stage.